fredag 27 februari 2009

Vilken färg är du?

Jag gjorde detta test:

Mitt resultat blev:

Black You value power, ambition, and darkness. You love power at any cost, and are a corrupting influence on those around you. At your best, you are resourceful and unashamed. At your worst, you are parasitic and amoral. Your symbol is a skull. Your enemies are white and green.

Vad får du ?!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Herr Lycke fick röd.

    Du har fiender här Martin

  2. Jag fick blå.. men vet inte om det stämde riktigt du.. puss puss

  3. Red
    You value freedom, impulse, emotion and fire. You love instant gratification and acting on your gut feeling. At your best, you are passionate and decisive. At your worst, you are shortsighted and destructive. Your symbol is a fireball. Your enemies are white and blue.
